Thursday, April 12, 2012

Track: Starting The Season

March 9, 2012

Track is a competitive sport that consists of various events such as sprints, distance, hurdling, jumping, pole vaulting, and throwing. The sport is often difficult, painful, and draining; it requires a strong sense of determination. It is often used as “punishment” during practice for other sports. Although it is hard, many enjoy it. The exhilaration of a race becomes addicting. This year ODA’s team looks forward to the beginning of a new track season with the greatest enthusiasm. Excitement for the track season is considerably higher this year as there are five new coaches preparing the team for success. Whispers of anxiety were traded on the first day on the track, and the phrase “you know your coaches are good when they wear U.S.A gear” was often repeated. Coach “H” is currently in Turkey assisting the US track and field team. Another coach, Doc, brought in his old spikes which he used when he ran competitively in the 1950s. In addition to having professional runners coaching the team, several professional runners preparing for the Olympics share the track as well. Any anxiety and hesitation was forgotten as we began training for the first races that were quickly approaching. The first meet took place at Cardinal Mooney on the 25th of February. Stress for any meet is not uncommon, but anxiety is especially high for the first meet.

The excitement and anxiety of the first race, let alone the first meet, is often overwhelming. Stepping into the blocks alone is nerve wracking as one prepares to line up on the starting line. Your legs shake, your heart begins to race, and your fingers twitch in anticipation while you wait for the gun signaling the beginning of the race. Long track practices with coaches Kim, Marsha, and Rick paid off as the girls and boys team won first place at the meet. ODA runners Brian Ragone and Madison Shaw both won athlete of the meet as well. The the second meet, a gathering of many more teams, took place on Friday, March 2nd at Riverview. Senior Brian Ragone took first place in the 300 hurdle race. Freshman Trey Gregory won fifth place out of sixteen vaulters vaulting eleven feet! Junior Caitlyn Durfee won sixth place in the 1600 and 800 meter races.

The team’s off to a great start. Go Thunder!

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